Building a hybrid comms team? Here’s how to inject a strong direction and healthy culture

Keep crossing your fingers because, at time of writing, lockdown restrictions are being lifted. We’re not out of the woods but as we emerge, blinking and slightly dishevelled, in the post-pandemic dawn’s new light, can I just say well done to all the comms and marketing teams out there? That was quite a ride.

The challenges aren’t over but it feels like the right time to take a moment and marvel at not only how we kept the show on the road in the last 18 months but how much positive change has taken place. Take the rise in acceptance of home working and the emergence of the hybrid comms and marketing team.

In a recent workshop, comms leaders told us that not a single one was planning to go back to the working from the office/business as usual model. Greater autonomy around how we work is great for us as individuals, but what does it mean for building collective team culture and direction? And how do teams mark the end of one phase of working (during the pandemic) and begin to settle and thrive in the new ways?

With this in mind we have developed what we’re calling the Comms Team Re-Charge. It brings together a light touch survey, some coaching support and a sounding board for comms leaders, and team workshops. It’s designed to help teams take a step back, regather, celebrate and pull together with renewed purpose and direction.

Using all our knowledge of what binds and strengthens team spirit, the Re-Charge will help teams to:

  • Renew and strengthen your shared purpose and goals

  • Pinpoint, capture and celebrate your strengths, so that you can build on them

  • Understand different perspectives and expectations within the team and build consensus around shared areas for development

  • Agree priorities, new ways of working if needed, and identify some high priority actions that give momentum and build culture and trust quickly

The Re-Charge is designed delivered in short bursts over a given time – anything from one to six weeks is the norm. Because no two organisations are the same every Re-Charge is tailored to your organisation and circumstances. It can be delivered both online, in the room, or as a mixture of the two. It offers an alternative to the traditional team away day which can be great for bonding but not always so good at embedding lasting change.

If you would like to know more take a look at the flyer above, drop us a line at or message/call us on 07760 257419.
